Wednesday, October 17, 2012

halloween dressing

what I'm wearing on Halloween

I never really went trick or treating as a child, which probably explains why I don't really get into Halloween very much, although I am always in awe of people who go all in and celebrate the day in amazing (often homemade!) costumes. For those of you who, like me, are a little bit shy/inexperienced when it comes to dressing up, here's my alternative: a moody outfit with a little bit of Halloween drama. I like to go all-black with a little bit of edge (try booties with a great detail like studs) and a little bit of a nod to the holiday (the shirt above is from Target for $6!). Since I'm usually about neutral makeup most of the time, on Halloween, I take full advantage of the opportunity to kick things up a notch: vampy lips, smoky eyes, black eyeliner, and as-black-as-possible curled eyelashes. And voila, my version of a modern, low-key, urban Black Widow.

What's your Halloween look this year?


  1. cute outfit!
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    1. Hey Abi K.,

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