Friday, January 4, 2013

ready, set, go!

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2013 is now four days old, and I've finally come around to writing down the goals I have in mind. Some are serious, some are lighthearted, all are important enough that I'd like to see them checked off (or at least worked on) 361 days from now. 

1. Be more kind. To my fiance. To my family. To everybody

2. Live in the moment more. I'm an obsessive planner. 

3. Call my grandmother in the Philippines once a week, every Sunday. She's my hero.

4. Get rid of unnecessary debt. I'd like to whittle this down to just student loans, my car loan, and negligible credit card expenses.

5. See more of Chicago. I've lived in this city since I was 7, but there are still so many things I want to see.

6. Be more organized. I'm an all or nothing person when it comes to organization, so my home vacillates between pristine and a wreck. I'd like to find a nice, happy, lived-in middle.

7. Be more healthy. Eat better. Drink more water. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Become stronger. Less emphasis on weight, more emphasis on what I want my body to be able to do.

8. Blog more. Blog better. That new camera my parents gave me for Christmas is going to earn its cost. 

Here's to 2013 to you and yours. Let's make it a good one!

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